The Typical Journey of an Average Car Buyer and Why 7 Seater SUVs Make Sense

The Typical Journey of an Average Car Buyer and Why 7 Seater SUVs Make Sense

The average car buyers follow a by-need basis. They change cars to match the current needs, a practical approach at face value. Nonetheless, it is not economically or otherwise efficient if you dig a little deeper. Today, you’ll spot more solo drivers on 7 seater SUVs. You might assume they are on their way to pick up the other six passengers, but that’s hardly the case. More consumers realize the need to invest in value, with future plans taking center stage.

The typical journey

The average car buyer, primarily single or just married, starts by buying a sedan or sporty option. The smaller cars offer enough space for the couple in most if not all driving instances. It is sufficient until a child arrives when you now consider a larger option. Compact SUVs are typical the go-to after a child or two, with the five-seater being the common option.

The compact SUVs serve your needs efficiently, but you hire a maid as you work to keep up with your needs. Now, you need more space. Perhaps, in the process, your parent or family member moves in, further increasing the needs your compact SUV can’t cope with. You have to think of a bigger option, 7-seater SUVs being your next stop.

The implication

By the time you find a car matching your family’s needs, you’ve changed cars at least thrice following the average journey. Whether you initially bought a new car and did trade-ins along the way, the approach is not financially smart. The inconveniences also make the approach less appealing. More consumers have realized such implications, which also car manufacturers acknowledge. So, how about skipping the steps? Much like how you planned a home purchase, you can also follow the same strategy when investing in a car.

The SUVs arena has come a long way. This is from when they only seemed appropriate for off-road endeavors to being a part of family cars for all-around needs. Today, you’ll find a wide range of 7 seater SUVs innovatively to match your small or large family requirements. Innovative technology means that the SUVs don’t compromise on your style, with design elements factoring in your daily use.

With their growing popularity, manufacturers continue to innovatively deliver the seven-seater cars as a huge part of their range. This makes it easier for consumers to find and buy economical and efficient cars, ideal for daily city hassles, off-road driving, and those adventurous quests, among other considerations. The huge SUVs no longer look like huge boxy cars. The manufacturers continue to perfect the art of combining form and functionality. Regardless of your taste, you’ll find classy or sporty designs matching your needs, whether single or with a big family.

You can now skip the average car buyer’s journey and go straight to a seven-seater SUV. But is it worth it? Here are some of the top advantages that make it a smarter move.


It might sound counter-productive considering the price tag, but a 7-seater SUV saves you more money in the long run. You won’t have to deal with extra expenses or changing cars as your needs grow. The depreciation alone makes the changes expensive. Once you invest in a quality 7-seater SUV, you’ll be sorted as you add branches to your family.

The cost-effectiveness goes beyond the price tag. With the 7-seater that serves the whole family, you won’t have to hail a cab or use a second car. This means fewer gas costs and parking spaces. Moreover, since you won’t be managing many family cars, you won’t have to deal with the hassles of keeping up with repairs and maintenance. The best part is that modern models feature fuel-efficient options, including electric options. A 7-seater SUV is a cost-effective addition to any family size with modern options.


A 7-seater SUV’s main highlight is the extra space it offers. Apart from the generous boot, you can convert the rear row for extra storage space. If, for instance, you are traveling with your pet, you won’t have an issue. When shopping, including large items with no free shipping, you won’t have to hire transportation options since you have enough room. The roomy interiors further make your travels comfortable. Such efficiency can save you more money, or even earn some if you opt to offer transport services.


There has never been a one-size-fits-all car. Each family is unique. This is an area modern 7-seater SUVs strive to address. They aren’t all made equal, and with the innovative variances, you have the flexibility to find a versatile option meeting all your needs. Buying an expensive and bigger SUV isn’t necessarily the best approach. With the more compact and affordable 7-seater options, you can still address your needs without breaking your bank. It is all in the versatility, ensuring you get the most out of the car, whether driving as a family or alone.

The bottom line

You are wrong if you thought SUVs were for older people and dads. With the ever-evolving technology, modern SUVs offer something for everyone, making them an all-around solution for small and big families. Whether you are more of long road trips or looking for a car best suited for inner-city and suburban driving, modern 7-seater SUVs got you covered.

You can now skip the average car-buying journey to a more family-friendly option that will serve your immediate and future needs. As you browse through the 7 seater SUVs, the trick is to diligently consider your needs and future plans, ensuring you pick an option that’ll hold for years. With the best dealers, you’ll easily find such a car. You’ll also land competitive rates and enjoy friendly financing options. The ongoing servicing also makes the dealer more of a partner, helping you maintain the SUV in top shape for years.

Buying a car is a huge decision, and for savvy shoppers, it is more than saving a few bucks. Whether purchasing a new or used seven-seater SUV, with careful consideration, you have the option to ensure you invest in a car you’ll treasure for years.

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