May 16, 2024


We all remember Reggie Jackson from the baseball field. And now, we peek at the garage because he wants to auction part of his car collection.

Jackson’s love for cars started when he was a kid

Former MLB Reggie Jackson likes cars other than baseball. And love for the rest of his life for four wheels starts when he is only a child who will look at the vehicle as they rolled up. The cars he watched now were classic, and Reggie Jackson put himself in that position in life where he could buy whatever model he liked.

“We sit on the front porch in the summer. And six to eight children … we will mention the car. Say a bell of water … or Impala,” Jackson said in an interview. “And then, if you can catch a symbol on the side of A ’62 and see if it’s 327 (cubic-inch engine) or if it is 409, you get points for it too. You get points, and you win a glass of Kool-aid. That’s how I started. “

Jackson knows more than baseball

Jackson is the winner of the world series five times and he is currently a special advisor to the owner of New York Yankees. The team has succeeded in taking five world series during the Jeter crane era, which means that Jackson is the holder of 10 world series rings.

Nyway, let’s go back to his desire. Part of the collection of cars will be on display in Indianapolis, and Jackson plans to auction 18 cars in Mecum Indy 2018. The numbers related to the garage are impressive, because, for years, Jackson has collected around 100 classic models and collector models from various era , Some of the vehicles included are early Fords, Hot Rods, Corvettes, Mustangs, Mopars, Shelbys, Porsches, you mentioned.

How did he fall in love with the car?

“In the 60s (my father) had a route, because I had a paper route, around 70 or 80 people … so we ran and took clothes and dry cleaning and took them back to them a few days later,” Jackson said. “Sometimes you have to repair a truck or change the carburetor or fan belt or something like that to keep them running. So we will be out there dropping our finger books and scratching our hands to run, so you just experience understanding About how mechanics work on the car. And that’s kind of how I got into the car. “

Buy a car

Jackson’s first vehicle bought was Chevrolet 1951 which had skin pads and he only paid $ 5 for this model. How, you might ask? Well, his sister, he bought a car. However, when he was 16 years old, Jackson bought his dream car, Chevrolet 1955.

Now, Jackson needs more space, but choosing which car auction is not an easy job. So he turned to the people behind the original Spring Classic Mecum funds to choose 18 GM vehicles from his personal collection.

There is time in life where you are ready to let anything, except for the family. I think I have some cars that you can say is family, “Jackson said.” I might have a good half a dozen I won’t part. I have a decent Ferrari maybe $ 15 million, and I will sell it in a few years. I have several cars that I love and like, but you know, they all get to the point where it’s time to let them go, and I think it’s time for me to make my collection. “

Advise car collectors.

This is what Jackson must be said to other car collectors: “Buy what you like and buy what you enjoy is what I say when you collect. Buy what you know, and buy what you understand, and most of me will say Buy what you enjoy. As long as you like it, it’s worth it. I really say that. Don’t worry too much about what you pay for. Worried about how you will enjoy it, of course if you can afford it. “

Classic Spring Classic Auction to 31 Mecum Funds at the Indiana State Fairgrounds took place from May 15 to May 20.

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